
            Ye Gads! I've got a trunk!

Sometimes we don't know
what we really look like
until we look in the mirror.

~ Words and artwork by Russ Allison Loar
~ Click on image to enlarge
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My Heart Is Blue

When I am sad
My heart is blue.
Does this ever
Happen to you?

~ Words and artwork by Russ Allison Loar
~ Click on image to enlarge
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Kitty Up A Tree

Kitty up a tree,
Glad it isn’t me,
‘Cause if it were
I’d have no fur,
And speak English.

~ Poem by Russ Allison Loar
~ Artwork by Cheryl McQueen Loar
 & Russ Allison Loar
~ Click on image to enlarge
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All Day Long

A little brown bird
Sang this song:
"I’ve been a little bird
All day long."

~ Poem and artwork by Russ Allison Loar
~ Click on image to enlarge
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Waiting For The Sun

Sometimes it seems like a little rain cloud is following me around no matter where I go.

But I know the rain will stop and the sun will shine.
All I have to do is wait!

~ Words and artwork by Russ Allison Loar
~ Click on image to enlarge
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Life On The Moon

My grandfather, Herman Allison,
born in 1885, in Texas, once told me that when he was a schoolboy, a topic for debate was:

"Is the moon inhabited?"

He lived long enough to see Neil Armstrong stand on the moon.

~ Words and artwork by Russ Allison Loar
~ Click on image to enlarge
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Home is a place in the heart.

~ Words and artwork by Russ Allison Loar
~ Click on image to enlarge
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Everything is beautiful!

~ By Russ Allison Loar
~ Click on image to enlarge
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My Cat

O the quiet life of my cat
Who dreams of simple things,
Like chasing birds,
Eating words
And wearing diamond rings.

~ Words and artwork by Russ Allison Loar
~ Click on image to enlarge
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Before I Barely Knew Anything

Before I barely knew anything
I awakened each summer morning
To the cawing of crows
And thought,
How very tall these trees
In which they gather to ruffle their feathers
In the morning breeze,
How tall these trees
And how much these crows must see.

I climbed an orange tree,
So frightened by the height,
So amazed at the sight of neighboring houses
And city streets
And thought about what the crows must see
From the tops of the sycamore trees
And from higher still
As they rise into the sky,
Knowing I would never know
What they know,
Before I barely knew anything.

~ Poem and artwork by Russ Allison Loar
~ Click on image to enlarge
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Sometimes, it's really good luck when you don't catch a big fish!

~ Words and artwork by Russ Allison Loar
~ Click on image to enlarge
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All The King’s Horses

Where are those children
Who wanted to play?
Where are their toys,
Have they put them away?

Where is my son,
Has he grown up and gone?
My little daughter,
A child of her own?

All the king’s horses
And all the king’s men
Cannot put childhood
Together again.

~ By Russ Allison Loar
~ Click on image to enlarge
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My Kitty Has A Dishrag

My kitty has a dishrag,
It’s pink and rough and wet,
She scrubs herself all over
When she comes home from the vet.

~ Poem and artwork by Russ Allison Loar
~ Click on image to enlarge
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The hills are alive
With the sound of sheep,
They sleep all day long
But at night they creep,
Into the houses
Of young girls and boys
And put on their clothes
And play with their toys.

~ Words and artwork by Russ Allison Loar
~ Click on image to enlarge
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You can find heaven right where you are.

~ Words and artwork by Russ Allison Loar
~ Click on image to enlarge
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What Is Art?

Cheese from a rat is like soap for a hog,
You can’t write your mother by using a log.
A nose is indifferent to all that is art,
The opera’s a good place to rip loose a fart.

~ Words and rat by Russ Allison Loar
~ Painting by Sam Francis at the Huntington Library & Gardens
~ Click on image to enlarge
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Terrible Teapot Song

I'm a little teapot
Short and stout,
Kick me in the rear
And step on my snout.

I'm a little teapot
Fat and wide,
Take me to the slaughterhouse
And cut off my hide!

~ Words and artwork by Russ Allison Loar
~ Click on image to enlarge
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Under The Sea

Strange things happen under the sea!
Not to you,
Not to me.
Isn't it grand
To live on land?

~ Words and artwork by Russ Allison Loar
~ Click on image to enlarge
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Children Have A Chance

Children have a chance
To change what their parents have done,
To set aside the old ways,
To walk in the light of the sun.

~ Poem and artwork by Russ Allison Loar
~ Click on image to enlarge
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If you are not living the life you imagined,
imagine the life you are living.

~ Words and artwork by Russ Allison Loar
~ Click on image to enlarge
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Home On The Range

Home On The Range
On The Horse

~ Words and artwork by Russ Allison Loar
~ Click on image to enlarge
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No Surprises

I like to go shopping
In the deep blue sea,
Where no one is surprised
By creatures like me.

~ Words and artwork by Russ Allison Loar
~ Click on image to enlarge
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What Is this?

This is a mother whale,
Swimming in the ocean
With her baby,
Coming up for air.

She is an abstract whale,
Swimming in an abstract ocean
With her abstract baby,
Coming up for some abstract air.

The abstract sun is shining
And the abstract water is warm.

The mother and her baby are happy.
They don't mind being abstract
Because they are really alive somewhere.

~ Words and artwork by Russ Allison Loar
~ Click on image to enlarge
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Just cause I'm stoopid don't mean I ain't got no brains!

~ Words and artwork by Russ Allison Loar
~ Click on image to enlarge
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Dirt Devil

He's smelly and mean,
You can't get him clean,
He hides in secret places
That you've never seen.
~ Words and artwork by Russ Allison Loar ~ Click on image to enlarge © All Rights Reserved

Not Me!

Some people see a tree
And want to count the leaves.
Not me!

~ Words and artwork by Russ Allison Loar
~ Click on image to enlarge
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Nice Kitty ?

Some cats are nice,
Some cats are mean,
Some are in-between.

~ Words and artwork by Russ Allison Loar
~ Click on image to enlarge
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This is a tickly.
He loves to tickle.
He's sneaking up on you.
Watch out!

~ Words and artwork by Russ Allison Loar
~ Click on image to enlarge
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A Windy Day

It was a windy day.
My balloons all flew away.
But I did not care.
They looked lovely in the air.

~ Words and artwork by Russ Allison Loar
~ Click on image to enlarge
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Smile for the camera,
Smile for the day,
Smile because you're happy,
I hope you stay that way!

~ Words and artwork by Russ Allison Loar
~ Click on image to enlarge
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If trees could talk,
What would they say?
If trees could walk,
Would they run away?

~ Words and artwork by Russ Allison Loar
~ Click on image to enlarge
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Kitty Wants To Fly

Kitty wants to catch a bird.
I bet you don't know why!
Kitty wants the little bird
To teach him how to fly.

~ Words and artwork by Russ Allison Loar
~ Click on image to enlarge
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What if the colors all changed their names?
Would all the colors still look the same?

~ Words and artwork by Russ Allison Loar ~ Click on image to enlarge
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Q and A

Q: Where was Mr. MacMan when the lights went out?

A: In the dark!

~ Words and artwork by Russ Allison Loar
~ Click on images to enlarge
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I don’t like early mornings
When I’m still asleep.
I don’t like early bedtimes,
Alone and counting sheep.

Why should I pay attention
To all those clocks I see?
I listen to them ticking.
They listen not to me.

~ Poem and artwork by Russ Allison Loar
~ Click on image to enlarge
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Fork and spoon,
Spoon and Knife,
I dreamed my flatware
Came to life!

~ Poem and artwork by Russ Allison Loar
~ Click on image to enlarge
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This beast
is part pickle.
How did this happen?

~ Words and artwork by Russ Allison Loar
~ Click on image to enlarge
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Free Range

All God's creatures
Want to be free!

~ Words and artwork by Russ Allison Loar
~ Click on image to enlarge
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I Am Confused

You don't
Have to know
What everything means.
Even when you're old
And you like green beans.

~ Words and artwork by Russ Allison Loar
~ Click on image to enlarge
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Ozone Man

Oh no!
Bob forgot
to put on his sunscreen!

~ Words and artwork by Russ Allison Loar
~ Click on image to enlarge
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Happy is joy
And joy is love.
They all come
From heaven above.

~ Words and artwork by Russ Allison Loar
~ Click on image to enlarge
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The Roving Birthday Beast

On the night before your birthday, a little after midnight when you are asleep:

The Roving Birthday Beast will secretly come to your house and bring you good luck for the next year. How do you know if the Roving Birthday Beast has been to your house? He will leave some banana peels in your trash can!

So when you wake up on your birthday morning, look in the trash, and if you find some banana peels then you know he's been there and you'll have really good luck for the next year!

~ Words and artwork by Russ Allison Loar
~ Click on image to enlarge
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The Mighty Sow Bug

God bless the mighty sow bug,
God bless his mighty roar.
He wakes me from my winter sleep,
Pounding on my door.

He doesn’t like the cold,
He hates it when it snows.
But when warm summer comes at last
He packs his bags and goes.

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