My Heart Is Blue

When I am sad
My heart is blue.
Does this ever
Happen to you?

~ Words and artwork by Russ Allison Loar
~ Click on image to enlarge
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Kitty Up A Tree

Kitty up a tree,
Glad it isn’t me,
‘Cause if it were
I’d have no fur,
And speak English.

~ Poem by Russ Allison Loar
~ Artwork by Cheryl McQueen Loar
 & Russ Allison Loar
~ Click on image to enlarge
© All Rights Reserved

All Day Long

A little brown bird
Sang this song:
"I’ve been a little bird
All day long."

~ Poem and artwork by Russ Allison Loar
~ Click on image to enlarge
© All Rights Reserved